The Minister of Defense of Estonia will meet with the residents of Narva: a dialogue in two languages

On February 20, 2024, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Estonia, Hanno Pevkur, will hold a meeting with local residents. This is a unique opportunity for the people of Narva to ask questions and learn about the latest developments in the field of national security and defense directly from the head of the department. The event will take place at Narva College at 17:15 and will be available in Estonian and Russian languages.

The Minister of Defense of Estonia will meet with the residents

Next Tuesday, February 20, 2024, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Estonia, Hanno Pevkur, plans to visit the city of Narva. He has expressed his willingness to meet with local residents to discuss the current state of affairs in the defense department and answer their questions. This event represents a unique opportunity for the city's residents to learn about the current state of affairs in the country's defense sector and ask their questions directly to the minister.

The meeting, scheduled for 17:15, will take place at Narva College — a location chosen not by chance, considering its significance as an educational and cultural center of the region. A distinctive feature of the upcoming event is its bilingual format. To make the dialogue as accessible as possible, the organizers have arranged for the meeting to be conducted in two languages — Estonian and Russian.

Interest in the minister's visit to Narva is driven not only by his status but also by the relevance of the defense topic on the international arena. Given Estonia's geopolitical position, national security issues remain at the center of public attention.

The fact that information about the meeting is being spread among the residents of Narva through the efforts of enthusiasts and activists, despite the absence of official notification from local authorities, is also noteworthy.

It should be noted that the presence of a high-ranking official in the city represents an important event for the local community, especially in the context of such a critical area as defense.

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