Ukrainian General Staff Reports Extensive Russian Military Losses

In a recent update from the Ukrainian General Staff, published on February 11, the cumulative losses sustained by Russian forces since the onset of the conflict have been detailed. According to the report, the Russian military has suffered significant casualties and equipment losses, highlighting the intense level of combat and the Ukrainian forces' resilience.

In a recent update from the Ukrainian General Staff, published on February 11, the cumulative losses sustained by Russian forces since the onset of the conflict have been detailed. According to the report, the Russian military has suffered significant casualties and equipment losses, highlighting the intense level of combat and the Ukrainian forces' resilience.

The assessment outlines that Russian personnel casualties have reached approximately 395,200. The hardware losses include a substantial number of tanks, with 6,406 units reported destroyed. The impact on armored fighting vehicles is also notable, with 11,956 infantry fighting vehicles listed as lost.

The aerial component of the Russian forces has not been spared, with the report citing the destruction of 332 aircraft and 325 helicopters. This reflects the heavy toll that anti-aircraft systems and other defensive measures have taken on Russian air operations.

Artillery systems, a backbone of sustained military operations, have also seen significant losses, with 9,475 units reported destroyed. Additionally, the report includes the loss of 981 multiple launch rocket systems, a critical component of Russia's ground offensive capability.

Defense against aerial threats has been compromised with the loss of 666 air defense systems. The report also highlights the downing of 7,257 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), underscoring the role of drones in modern warfare for surveillance and direct combat roles.

The Russian navy has not been immune, with losses including 24 ships/boats and one submarine, indicating the conflict's reach into maritime domains.

Furthermore, the attrition extends to 1,881 cruise missiles, showcasing the extensive use of precision-guided munitions in the conflict. The ground transport losses stand at 12,592 vehicles, affecting the logistical capabilities of the Russian forces. The report also mentions the destruction of 513 pieces of specialized equipment, further underscoring the comprehensive nature of the conflict's material losses.

It's important to note that Ukraine does not regularly publish data on its own military losses, focusing instead on highlighting the extent of the adversary's casualties and equipment destruction. This report sheds light on the heavy toll the conflict continues to exact on Russian military capabilities, reflecting both the intensity of the fighting and the significant resistance mounted by Ukrainian forces.

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